You Want it Darker

You Want it Darker

Yes, I borrowed the title of this post from the great Leonard Cohen. I miss him terribly but we were so lucky to have him among us for a time. If you want to read more about my Leonard Cohen awe, here are two of my short blog posts on the topic from 2008: Leonard Cohen  and The Lord of Song.

But mainly this blog entry is to say, psst, I write horror too.You'll find it under the name Cara Martin and my first horror novel, Shantallow, is out in Canada now and will be released in the U.S. next month. If any of my contemporary YA readers also happen to be fans of malevolent abandoned houses, creepy dark shadows, eerie whispering when there's no one around and other goosebump-inducing things, Shantallow might be up your alley. I'm excited to report that Booklist and Kirkus liked it!

Now please give your soul a treat and enjoy Leonard Cohen singing 'Take This Waltz':

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