Hurdy Gurdy

Hurdy Gurdy

Since watching Zodiac I can't seem to stop listening to Hurdy Gurdy Man by Donovan. With all the sixties music I listened to during the eighties I'm surprised I'm not familiar with it but it definitely has the feel of a tune I've known my whole life so maybe it's only my conscious brain that doesn't recognize it. I'd include it here but the YouTube embedding for many of the videos is disabled so:

A 21-year-old Donovan singing Hurdy Gurdy Man

Coincidentally, Donovan's daughter Ione Skye has a small role in Zodiac and the entire movie's been sticking with me too. Often films set in the past seem to overdo whatever era they're representing but Zodiac looks and feels exactly like a movie from the 60's (and then the 70's and 80's too).

Another interesting movie I've seen recently is The Orphanage (El Orfanato) which is a study in creepiness. In some ways it reminded of The Others, another intelligent ghost story that dripped with atmosphere. Watching both of them for the first time I wasn't sure where they were leading me but the endings, when you get there, feel like a completely natural destination.
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