New 2015 election Stephen Harper figure

New 2015 election Stephen Harper figure

Unhappy Harper
It's the weekend before Canada's federal election and the Canadian Federal Collectibles series has issued a new Stephen Harper action figure to represent this year's election campaign. But first, let's have a gander at the Harper action figures from elections past.

If you remember, the 2011 figure came with a rolled security fence that could be erected to keep the press at a distance from campaigning Stephen (and which also harked back to the G20 Toronto Summit), a spare set of snap-on hair (in the unlikely event that Harper's gets mussed) and a package of face match software which allows Conservative henchman to scan the crowd at Harper campaign stops and turf those suspected of partisan leanings.

Back in 2008  limited quantities of the Election 08 Harper figure were available to the public. They featured Stephen clutching a chunk of Alberta Tar Sands rock in one hand and the Canadian flag in the other.

Then, of course, there was the Harper duo pack, which included the Darth Harper figure and Statesman Harper (in full ceremonial garb) gripping a Canadian flag which he could wave vigorously while proclaiming Canada's finances are sounder than any other country in the world. In the event the flag waving failed to placate Canadians, Harper could quickly don the sweater vest he holds in his other hand.
Statesman Harper (in full ceremonial garb) also grips a Canadian flag, which he can wave vigorously while proclaiming Canada's finances are sounder than any other country in the world. In the event the flag waving fails to placate Canadians, Harper can quickly don the sweater vest he holds in his other hand. - See more at:
Statesman Harper (in full ceremonial garb) also grips a Canadian flag, which he can wave vigorously while proclaiming Canada's finances are sounder than any other country in the world. In the event the flag waving fails to placate Canadians, Harper can quickly don the sweater vest he holds in his other hand. - See more at:

Finally, the brand new Harper figure (released practically on the eve of the 2015 election) features Stephen in decidedly casual wear, not unlike what he wore to a recent Conservative party rally with Rob and Doug Ford. As with the election 2011 figure, this year's Harper collectible comes with a spare set of snap-on hair and some of Stephen's favourite props - the bills tossed around as a game show gimmick at recent campaign stops.

That’s another 600 bucks down the drain,” Harper said, his words accompanied by the loud ‘Ka-ching’ sound of a cash register. “That is what Liberal change means, more money for the government, less money for you.”

Naturally Harper's other favourite prop is fear, which he wields with a heavy hand. Including Darth Vader's mask with the election 2015 figure allows Stephen to quickly switch tactics, moving easily from his Shopping Channel persona to one that incites unrest and provokes anxiety.

Election Harper 2015 is available from vendors across the country.

“Every election is determined by the people who show up.”
Larry J. Sabato, Pendulum Swing  

See you at the polls on Monday, Canada! 

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