Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?

Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?

Regardless of your gender or sexual inclination, if you're close friends with someone for long enough the odds are at some point you're going to find yourself interested in the same person. Hopefully not to the same degree and hopefully one of you figure it out first so that the other can try to curb their interest. But what if that's not the case, what if you like your friend's boyfriend or girlfriend like crazy and can't stop thinking about them? And what if they're the first person you've really liked in a long time? And perhaps more importantly, they're the first person, aside from your close friend, that you've trusted in a long time?

One Lonely Degree is a book about this situation (among other things). A few of the write-ups I've read on the book have been angry with Finn for not always doing what they consider the right thing in this situation and some people have suggested that in making Audrey such a good friend Finn becomes unsympathetic. Some of these folks would give Finn more leeway if she wasn't crossing a line against someone who is genuinely a loyal friend, but I've always believed One Lonely Degree was a story about good friends, to make it otherwise would be too easy.

People are complicated. Even the ones you like a lot aren't always going to do what you consider to be the right thing. And I think many of us, when put in difficult situations (like Finn is during One Lonely Degree) could do things that we ourselves may not feel comfortable with. But we still might do them.

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