Future Me

Future Me

I sent my future self an email via FutureMe.org today, a friendly reminder about a certain unresolved situation. I've done that once before (several years ago) and I think the idea is pretty cool, a message from a past version of yourself to a subsequent one. Because your future self isn't necessarily a wiser, better person than the one you are now. People can become jaded over time or lose sight of what should be important. I don't think that's going to happen with this particular situation but the pep talk (from me to me) can't hurt!

As for present me, I've been writing, reading and listening to a fair amount of Irish talk radio. I arrived in Ireland during hard economic times (according to European Central Bank stats Irish unemployment figures in 1992 were between 15.1 and 15.7%) and left just before the Celtic Tiger economy was in full roar but definitely on the rise. The changes were profound and it's strange to hear, especially from this distance, about the scope of their current economic crisis. While this economic crisis is a global one, few countries have been harder hit than Ireland.
It's sad for me to think about how relevant this song made famous in Ireland by national treasure Christy Moore in the 80's has once again become:

But I know Ireland will rise again and that I'll be watching and listening then too. I wish I could spend much more time there. Perhaps that's something future me will be able to accomplish...
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